Data Stories / House Prices
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One of our example datasets is the Price Paid data, released by the UK’s Land Registry. This dataset records residential property sales in England and Wales, stretching back to 1995. You can check out the data for yourself in our online open data demo, or see some of the insights we found below.
1. Sales Are Increasing
There was a big drop in the number of property transactions around the time of the Global Financial Crisis, but the number of sales had finally started to rise again, albeit with a small dip back down in 2018:

2. As Are Prices
Prices have continued their relentless progress upwards too, albeit not quite at the rate they did in the early 2000s:

3. But the Gap is Widening
Properties in London are more expensive than ever, and the gap between London and the rest of the country is bigger than ever:

Want to Know More?
Category: Business and Economy
Location: England and Wales
Time Period: 1995 – 2022
Updated: Monthly
Number of Records: 27 Million
Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2021 licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. The raw source data is available at