When the Internet of Things (IoT) gained traction in the early 1980’s, it launched a new age of sharing information.
As IoT prospers, so do its benefits in certain industries. For this article, let’s talk how IoT benefits the hospitality industry—one of the many verticals we address here at WingArc Australia.
How will IoT Benefit the Hospitality Industry?
In general, IoT isn't simply about connectivity between devices, but rather the value of this relationship to businesses. Let’s look at it this way: the more data you have, the more information you have about your customers.
And the more information you have, the better your decisions will be. Especially if you're a major stakeholder running a growing hospitality business.
Which begs the question: what are the benefits of IoT in the hospitality industry?
The answer: IoT in hospitality helps reduce costs and deliver an optimised experience for guests.

But How?
It’s all about reducing the number of touch points a customer must go through to address an issue.
For example, if a hotel has meeting rooms available for hire, how convenient is it to have a sensor change the temperature automatically based on the number of people in the room?
This would eliminate the need for someone to verbally inform staff, and then staff to inform the relevant team members to fix the problem. Fewer touch points mean fewer hassles to find a solution to a problem.
Through integration of devices like sensors and electronics (such as mobiles and smartwatches), a plethora of possibilities emerge. Imagine if a guest could unlock their hotel door through their mobile? Or adjust the lights via their television?
At the heart of it all, IoT offers convenience and efficiency. Both to the customer and you as the business owner. A win-win, if you will.
This is exactly why IoT is an important asset to consider, particularly if you work in the hospitality industry. Indeed, it’ll move you steps ahead of the competition, especially as we live in an age where everything can be done through technology.

Okay, so How can I Implement IoT in my Hospitality Business?
Not to brag or toot our own horn, but we specialise in this area!
It’s important to note that the data needs to be pooled into a central location for analysis. This is where a unified dashboard comes in.
Our MotionBoard Business Intelligence platform was designed just for this.
Get in touch with us today for a chat on how you can use MotionBoard and IoT to grow your business in hospitality.
Alternatively, read more about MotionBoard here.
MotionBoard Hospitality
Explore MotionBoard Hospitality to understand how IoT and associated technology will revolutionise the hospitality industry.